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How Email Marketing Works

How Email Marketing Works:   Email marketing is the possibility that promotional emails are sent to people via email services, which sounds too simple. But it's a bit more complex than that, how it works depends on what kind of email marketing you want to send. Inbound Email 2. Outbound Email If you send an inbound e-mail, the name of the game is the content. Inbound relies on people who want to receive your emails. You must find yourself in order for them to choose from. This is where the promotion of the content enters. It is a good idea (as it is in many types of marketing) to build a buyer's persona before you write your content so that you can imagine how your content will be and interact with them. Ask yourself about who will benefit most from your offers.  What industry are they in?  What’s their job title?  What sort of budget are they working with?  What is their decision-making ability?  What is their biggest pain point?  How can you h...

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